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I'm interested in the impact of technical and cultural sediment on the improvising voice. My practice is ecologically sensitive and feminist, exploring the embodied connection between acoustic instrument, space and sounding. I examine the archival sediment inherent in the timbre and technique of my instruments. I do this with others in small acoustic collaborations in places whose historical sediment and acoustic have agency in our improvisations.​

I have been invited to present my research at, among others, LAV in Madrid, University of the Arts Helsinki, Canterbury Christchurch University, The RMA Music and/as Process Conference, Sound and Image at Greenwich University, The RMA annual conference, and at University for the Creative Arts​​​​

My work is published by Echo Journal. My PhD investigating the influence of instrument, gender and community on the improvising voice was completed in 2024. 

I'm currently involved in research with David Leahy and Stevie Wishart which foregrounds the role of ecologies and our environment in music making.

Underscore with David Leahy

David and I are exploring how we can improvise and research in and with our local ecologies. This  builds on the Underscore practice David has developed. We see free improvisation as a life practice in which we think and make with our local environment. This  takes from autotheory and the feminist theorising of Donna Haraway but is rooted in our local ecologies,  human, woodland, urban and coastal.

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